4580 03 MP T0,8
High-current contact bush with positioning pegs, mateable from top or bottom direction, for tab contacts 0.8–1.5 mm, for printed circuit boards or lead frames

4580 03 MP T2,0
High-current contact bush with positioning pegs, mateable from top or bottom direction, for tab contacts 1.5–2.0 mm, for printed circuit boards or lead frames

4580 03 OP T0,8
High-current contact bush, mateable from top or bottom direction, for tab contacts 0.8–1.5 mm, for printed circuit boards or lead frames

4580 03 OP T2,0
High-current contact bush, mateable from top or bottom direction, for tab contacts 1.5–2.0 mm, for printed circuit boards or lead frames

4580 04 MP T1,0
High-current contact bush with positioning pegs, for tab contacts 1.0 mm, for printed circuit boards or lead frames

4580 04 OP T1,0
High-current contact bush, for tab contacts 1.0 mm, for printed circuit boards or lead frames